Reproductive hormone disorders

Reproductive hormone disorders can affect fertility and may have long-term effects on metabolic, cardiovascular and bone health. The reproductive hormones include estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men.

Ovarian insufficiency (sometimes called premature menopause) occurs when the ovaries either do not develop or are damaged and no longer function normally. Ovaries can be surgically removed, or damaged by the immune system, or from chemotherapy, or radiation treatments for certain types of cancer.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a metabolic condition that happens in some women of generative age. Symptoms will embrace irregular expelling periods, loss of fertility, magnified hair growth on the face, chest, or abdomen, acne, and an inclination toward weight gain and hypoglycaemic agent resistance (diabetes).

Testosterone, the male internal secretion (produced within the testes), has a crucial role in maintaining fertility, energy, strength and metabolism. Men with low androgen will have symptoms of low energy and mood likewise as reduced strength and sexual desire (sex drive). In the future, they're conjointly in danger for low bone density (osteoporosis). The causes of low androgen are often sex gland trauma, radiation or therapy sure enough kinds of cancer, infection or loss of blood offer to the testes.

  • Ovarian insufficiency
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Testosterone

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